Les consommateurs de gaz naturel, ménages et entreprises, ont dépensé 19,7 Md€ en 2016 pour consommer 489 TWh. La production nationale étant marginale, l’approvisionnement de la France en gaz naturel est assuré pour l’essentiel par les importations. La Norvège est le principal fournisseur (43 % des entrées brutes en 2016). Tiré par le prix du pétrole, le prix à l’importation du gaz naturel a atteint son niveau le plus bas de la décennie en 2016 : l’approvisionnement ne représente plus que 43 % du prix moyen hors TVA payé par les consommateurs contre 72 % en 2011. Le coût des infrastructures gazières, les taxes et les marges de commerce ont, à l’inverse, augmenté entre 2011 et 2016. Les gros consommateurs industriels bénéficient de prix plus bas que les ménages en raison de coûts d’infrastructures et de commercialisation moindres ainsi que d’une fiscalité allégée.
Physical and monetary balance of natural gas 2011-2016
In 2016, taking companies and households together, natural gas consumption was 489 TWh for a revenue of €19.7 billion. With domestic production being marginal, France secures the bulk of its natural gas requirements through imports. Norway is the country’s main supplier (43% of gross inflows for 2016). Driven by world oil prices, imports price for natural gas was at its lowest in the decade during 2016 , with supply representing only 43% of the average consumer price excluding VAT against 72% in 2011. On the other hand, the supply network infrastructure costs, taxes and profit margins all increased between 2011 and 2016. Large industrial consumers benefitted from lower prices than households because of lower infrastructure and sales administration costs and of a reduced taxation.
In 2016, taking companies and households together, natural gas consumption was 489 TWh for a revenue of €19.7 billion. With domestic production being marginal, France secures the bulk of its natural gas requirements through imports. Norway is the country’s main supplier (43% of gross inflows for 2016). Driven by world oil prices, imports price for natural gas was at its lowest in the decade during 2016 , with supply representing only 43% of the average consumer price excluding VAT against 72% in 2011. On the other hand, the supply network infrastructure costs, taxes and profit margins all increased between 2011 and 2016. Large industrial consumers benefitted from lower prices than households because of lower infrastructure and sales administration costs and of a reduced taxation.