Bilan social annuel du transport routier de marchandises - Édition 2018

Publié le 17/05/2018
Créé en 1994-1995 pour répondre à la demande des partenaires sociaux, le bilan social annuel du transport routier de marchandises offre, pour le secteur des transports routiers de marchandises, un cadrage économique ainsi que des données et analyses sur l’évolution des emplois, du marché du travail, des revenus, de la formation des salariés et des accidents. Il vise à établir un diagnostic objectif nécessitant exhaustivité des approches et mobilisation du plus grand nombre de sources d’information. Instrument de connaissance des conditions sociales de l’activité du transport routier de marchandises, il a pour ambition d’être utile à l'ensemble des parties prenantes du secteur et en particulier aux partenaires sociaux du transport routier de marchandises, en fournissant les compléments contextuels utilisés dans le dialogue social.
Social Review of Road Freight Transport – 2018 Edition
Established in 1994-1995 in response to requests from management and labour representatives, the Annual Social Review of Road Freight Transport provides an economic overview of the road transport sector, as well as data and analysis on employment development, the labour market, revenues, employee training and accident rates. It aims to establish an objective diagnostic analysis, requiring an exhaustive approach and the integration of a wide number of information sources. Providing knowledge of social conditions in road freight transport operations, the review is designed to be useful to all stakeholders in the sector, and in particular to management and labour representatives by providing supplementary contextual information for use during dialogue and negotiations between the two groups.
This 22nd edition of the review was drawn up by the Data and Statistical Studies Department (SDES) from the General Commission for Sustainable Development, with the support of the Directorate for Transport Services (DST) and the General Directorate for Infrastructure, Transport and Marine Affairs (DGITM).

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