En 2018, le secteur de l’énergie représente 2 % de la valeur ajoutée en France. L’énergie pèse à hauteur de 45 Md€ dans le déficit commercial de la France en 2018 et représente, pour les ménages, une dépense égale à 8,5 % de leur budget en 2017. La production nationale primaire représente un peu plus de la moitié de l’approvisionnement en énergie du territoire. Si la France importe désormais la quasi-totalité des énergies fossiles qu’elle consomme et en a progressivement diversifié la provenance géographique, la mise en place du programme nucléaire lui a permis d’être exportatrice d’électricité depuis plus de 30 ans. L’électricité et le gaz, moins émetteurs de gaz à effet de serre que le pétrole et le charbon, se sont progressivement substitués à ces derniers dans les principaux secteurs d’activité économique, même si le pétrole demeure incontournable dans les transports.
Key energy figures - 2019 Edition
In 2018, the energy sector represented 2 % of total value added in France. Energy was responsible for € 45 billion of France’s 2018 trade deficit and, for an average household in 2017, represented 8.5 % of the monthly budget. Primary domestic production provided just over half of the country’s energy requirement. Although France imported almost all the fossil fuels it needed and had extensively diversified its geographic sourcing, its significant use of nuclear energy had enabled the nation to be an electricity exporting country for more than the past 30.
Electricity and gas, with less greenhouse effects, had progressively replaced oil and coal in the main industrial sectors, although oil-based products were still the norm in the transport sector. Renewable energy was taking an increasing share in the country’s energy mix, representing 16.1 % of France’s gross energy consumption in 2017.
In 2018, the energy sector represented 2 % of total value added in France. Energy was responsible for € 45 billion of France’s 2018 trade deficit and, for an average household in 2017, represented 8.5 % of the monthly budget. Primary domestic production provided just over half of the country’s energy requirement. Although France imported almost all the fossil fuels it needed and had extensively diversified its geographic sourcing, its significant use of nuclear energy had enabled the nation to be an electricity exporting country for more than the past 30.
Electricity and gas, with less greenhouse effects, had progressively replaced oil and coal in the main industrial sectors, although oil-based products were still the norm in the transport sector. Renewable energy was taking an increasing share in the country’s energy mix, representing 16.1 % of France’s gross energy consumption in 2017.
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