Chiffres clés du transport - Édition 2017

Publié le 16/02/2017
L’ensemble du transport (hors poste et courrier) engendre une dépense totale de 360 milliards d’euros, soit 16,7 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) ; les ménages y contribuent pour plus de la moitié. Près de 76 % de la dépense de transport est consacrée à la route, 8 % au transport ferroviaire, 6 % aux transports collectifs (urbains et en car), 7 % au transport aérien, le reste aux transports fluvial et maritime. Plus de la moitié de la dépense de transport est réalisée en compte propre, essentiellement par les ménages.
Key figures for transport - Edition 2017
With 930 billion passenger–km and 335 billion t-km of freight, 2015 was marked by an increase in road traffic: an increase in private passenger transport, related to low fuel prices, but a decrease in road freight transport. Transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, on a downard trend since 2004, showed a slight rise in 2015. Road deaths, which had been decreasing since 2005, increased for the second year running. Lengths of road and rail were more or less stable while those of tram lines increased in the major cities. Since 2005, in spite of a drop in registrations over two years, the road vehicle fleet grew by 6% and that of metro and tram rolling stock by 13% in Île-de-France, against 86% in the other regions. Since 2007, the passenger rail car fleet has increased by 30%, whereas the freight car fleet decreased by 8%.

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