L’année 2016, avec 956 milliards de voyageurs-kilomètres et 338,5 milliards de tonnes-kilomètres de marchandises, est marquée par un accroissement de la circulation routière : augmentation du transport individuel de voyageurs et du transport de marchandises en lien avec les prix bas du carburant et la reprise de l’activité économique. Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dues aux transports, en baisse tendancielle depuis 2004, croissent légèrement en 2016 comme en 2015. La mortalité sur les routes, qui était en baisse depuis 2005, augmente pour la troisième année consécutive. La longueur totale des réseaux routier et ferroviaire est quasi stable, celle des tramways est en expansion dans les grandes villes. Depuis 2006, malgré un ralentissement des immatriculations depuis deux ans, le parc de véhicules routiers s’est accru de 6,5 % ; le parc des rames de métros et tramways de 16 % en Île-de-France contre 61 % dans les autres régions.
Key transport figures - Edition 2018
2016 recorded 956 billion passenger-kilometres and 338.5 billion tonne-kilometres of goods, with an increase in road traffic: increase in private transport of travellers and in freight transport as a result of low fuel prices and the economic recovery. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport, which had been declining since 2004, grew slightly in both 2016 and 2015. Road mortality, which had been falling since 2005, increased for the third year in a row. The total length of the road and rail networks is almost stable, while the tram network is expanding in large cities. Since 2006, despite a slowdown in registrations over the last two years, the number of road vehicles has increased by 6.5 %; the metro and tramway fleet increased by 16 % in Ile-de-France compared to 61 % in the other regions. Since 2007, the number of passenger vehicles has increased by 32 %; while freight vehicles has decreased by 11%.
2016 recorded 956 billion passenger-kilometres and 338.5 billion tonne-kilometres of goods, with an increase in road traffic: increase in private transport of travellers and in freight transport as a result of low fuel prices and the economic recovery. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport, which had been declining since 2004, grew slightly in both 2016 and 2015. Road mortality, which had been falling since 2005, increased for the third year in a row. The total length of the road and rail networks is almost stable, while the tram network is expanding in large cities. Since 2006, despite a slowdown in registrations over the last two years, the number of road vehicles has increased by 6.5 %; the metro and tramway fleet increased by 16 % in Ile-de-France compared to 61 % in the other regions. Since 2007, the number of passenger vehicles has increased by 32 %; while freight vehicles has decreased by 11%.
Résultats des années précédentes