Key figures on climate
France, Europe and Worldwide

GHG emissions from transportation

GHG emissions from transport in the EU-27

Note: Emissions from international transport (including between two EU-27 countries) by sea and air are excluded from the totals presented on p. 44.
Source: EEA, 2022

GHG emissions from transport in France

Note: Emissions from international marine and aviation transport are excluded from the totals presented on p. 46.
Source: EEA, 2022

Breakdown of GHG emissions from transport in France in 2020

Note: emissions from international marine and aviation transport are excluded from this breakdown. They represent respectively 6.7% and 2.6% of the total considered here. Emissions from vehicle and infrastructure construction activities are included in the "Manufacturing and construction" category (see p. 54).
Source: EEA, 2022

GHG emission intensity of road transport in France

Note: the indicators used in passenger and goods transport are, respectively, GHG emissions per passenger-km transported and GHG emissions per tonne-km transported.
Scope: road transport in Metropolitan France.
Sources: SDES, Annual transport balance sheet in 2020; Citepa, Secten, 2022