Residential and services GHG emissions
GHG emissions from residential and services sectors in the EU-27
Source: EEA, 2022
GHG emissions from residential and services sectors in France
Note: The climate severity index is the ratio of an observed climate indicator to a reference climate indicator. The higher it is, the colder the winter.
Sources: EEA, 2022; SDES, based on Météo-France
Emissions from the residential and services sectors are highly dependent on weather conditions. In 2020, due to the combined effect of a particularly mild winter and activity restrictions linked to the health crisis, emissions in France fell by 32.3% in the residential sector and 25.6% in the services sector, compared to 1990.
Breakdown of CO2 emissions from residential buildings in France
Note: only CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion are taken into account. The carbon content of electricity and heat purchased from networks is not taken into account. Emissions from building construction activities are included in the "Manufacturing and Construction" category (see p. 54).
Source: SDES, according to Ceren, 2021
Heating remained the largest CO2 emission category in 2020 (80% of the total). Natural gas accounted for 66% of CO2 emissions from residential buildings, far ahead of fuel oil 29%), although the latter emits more per unit of energy (see p. 96). Coal has almost disappeared from the residential fuel mix.
CO2 emission intensity of the residential and services sectors in France
Note: the services emissions are divided by added value of the services sector (excluding transport), and residential emissions are divided by residential floor area, m2.
Sources: SDES, Housing Accounts; Insee; Citepa, Secten, 2022