Key figures on climate
France, Europe and Worldwide

Some emission factors

CO2 emission factors for the main fossil fuels

Lignite (low energy coal)

4.2 t CO2/toe

Coal (coking, sub-bituminous or other bituminous)

4.0 t CO2/toe

Gas/diesel or crude oil

3.1 t CO2/toe


2.9 t CO2/toe

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

2.6 t CO2/toe

Natural gas (methane)

2.3 t CO2/toe

Source: IPCC, 2019

The CO2 emissions factors indicate the amount of CO2 emitted during the combustion of a given fuel and for a unit of energy (here in toe). The case of biomass is not covered here: it is considered that the direct CO2 emissions linked to the combustion of biomass are offset by the absorption of CO2 during the growth of the plant. If this is not the case, the non-offset emissions are recorded in the LULUCF sector.


It is possible to extend the concept of emissions factors to business activities by dividing the GHG emissions directly emitted by an activity to a measure of this activity.


Emission factors


Electricity production

1.058 t CO2/MWh for a coal power plant

Average for France in 2021

0.418 t CO2/MWh for a gas power plant

0.006 t CO2 eq/MWh for a nuclear power plant


1.8 t CO2/tonne of steel

Conventional process (unrecycled crude steel)

0.64 t CO2/ton of cement

France average in 2019, per ton of cement equivalent

Agriculture and forestry

4.4 t CO2 eq/dairy cowper year

France average in 2018, emissions related to enteric fermentation and manure management

580 t CO2 eq/ha ofdeforested tropical forest

Global average, emissions from combustion and decomposition of organic matter

Sources: Ademe; Cement Sustainability Initiative; Citepa; SDES

Carbon content of everyday objects and actions

The GHG balance is built using a “lifecycle” approach. It includes several different phases linked to the activity associated with the emissions factor. For example, for one kilometre in a car, the GHG balance includes the direct emissions from gasoline or diesel combustion, but also the emissions from the extraction and refining of the fuel, its transport and distribution as well as those linked to the manufacture of the car.

Source: Ademe, GHG assessment, 2022