Parmi les différentes questions environnementales, le changement climatique est le premier sujet de préoccupation des Français. Ce risque s’avère cependant difficile à appréhender de manière concrète. Interrogés pour savoir quelles conséquences les changements climatiques pourraient avoir pour eux à l’avenir, un quart des Français n’ont pas idée des impacts potentiels. Par ailleurs, 15 % jugent que cela n’aura pas d’effet négatif à leur échelle. Au premier rang des conséquences redoutées, les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes et les problèmes de santé induits par le changement climatique devancent les impacts territoriaux et la dégradation des conditions de vie.
Amongst the different environmental issues, climate change is the main concern of the French.
However, the risk is difficult to apprehend in concrete terms. When asked about the possible consequences of climate change for them, a quarter of the French had no idea of potential impacts. Furthermore, 15% thought there would be no negative effect at their level. Extreme weather events and climate-change induced health problems are the main fears spontaneously cited in the survey, followed by territorial impacts and deterioration of living conditions. Nonetheless, more than half of the spontaneous responses remain impersonal, mainly focus on the global impacts of this phenomenon. This distant, or even abstract, relationship some French people have with this issue appears to be linked partially to the respondent's educational level and age.
However, the risk is difficult to apprehend in concrete terms. When asked about the possible consequences of climate change for them, a quarter of the French had no idea of potential impacts. Furthermore, 15% thought there would be no negative effect at their level. Extreme weather events and climate-change induced health problems are the main fears spontaneously cited in the survey, followed by territorial impacts and deterioration of living conditions. Nonetheless, more than half of the spontaneous responses remain impersonal, mainly focus on the global impacts of this phenomenon. This distant, or even abstract, relationship some French people have with this issue appears to be linked partially to the respondent's educational level and age.