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The Statistical Data and Studies Department (SDES) : presentation
The mission of the Statistical Data and Studies Department (SDES) is to organize the socio-economic and statistical observation system for housing, construction, transport, energy, the environment and sustainable development, in liaison with the national, European and international institutions concerned. The SDES acts as the statistical service of the ministries responsible for the environment, energy, construction, housing and transport within the meaning of amended law no. 51-711 of 7 June 1951. In this capacity, it collects, prepares and disseminates statistical information concerning the areas of competence of these ministries. It carries out, on behalf of the State, the surveys concerning these areas, as provided for in the annual program established by the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) and approved by the ministry to which the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) reports. At the European level, it is part of the European Statistical System, as the national statistical authority in its field of competence. The SDES is also the correspondent in France, by delegation from INSEE, for various international organizations, including Eurostat (the European Commission's statistical service), the International Energy Agency and the European Environment Agency.