L’efficacité énergétique est définie comme le rapport entre une quantité de biens ou de services et l’énergie consacrée à leur obtention. Son indicateur usuel au niveau macro-économique est « l’intensité énergétique », ratio de la consommation d’énergie au PIB. Corrigée des variations climatiques, la consommation énergétique finale a diminué de 0,3 % par an en moyenne entre 2000 et 2016, tandis que le PIB a crû de 1,1 % à prix constants. L’intensité énergétique finale a donc décru de 1,4 % en moyenne annuelle. Son niveau est proche de celui observé en Allemagne. L’efficacité énergétique s’est améliorée à la fois dans le résidentiel, les transports et le secteur productif.
Energy efficiency in France-Evolution between 2000 and 2016 and international comparison
Energy efficiency is defined as the relationship between a quantity of goods or services and the energy used to obtain them. The usual macro-economic indicator for energy efficiency is “energy intensity”, the ratio of energy consumption to GDP. Corrected for variations in climatic conditions, final energy consumption dropped by an average of 0.3% per year between 2000 and 2016, while GDP grew by 1.1% at constant prices. Final energy intensity therefore decreased by an annual average of 1.4%. Its level is close to that of Germany. Energy efficiency has improved in the residential, transport and production sectors.
Energy efficiency is defined as the relationship between a quantity of goods or services and the energy used to obtain them. The usual macro-economic indicator for energy efficiency is “energy intensity”, the ratio of energy consumption to GDP. Corrected for variations in climatic conditions, final energy consumption dropped by an average of 0.3% per year between 2000 and 2016, while GDP grew by 1.1% at constant prices. Final energy intensity therefore decreased by an annual average of 1.4%. Its level is close to that of Germany. Energy efficiency has improved in the residential, transport and production sectors.