La part des énergies renouvelables dans la consommation finale brute d’énergie en France s’élève à 15,7 % en 2016, d’après des estimations provisoires, en progression régulière depuis une dizaine d’années. La croissance importante des énergies renouvelables depuis 2005 est principalement due à l’essor des biocarburants, des pompes à chaleur et de la filière éolienne. Le développement du solaire photovoltaïque et de la biomasse solide pour le chauffage y contribue également, même si le recours à cette dernière est plus sensible aux aléas climatiques. Toutefois, le rythme global de développement des énergies renouvelables reste à accélérer pour atteindre l’objectif d’une part de 23 % dans la consommation finale brute à l’horizon 2020.
Renewable energy in France in 2016 - Monitoring implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of use of energy from renewable sources
The share of energy from renewable sources in France's gross final energy consumption was provisionally estimated at 15.7% in 2016, showing a steady increase over ten years. This strong growth in renewable energy since 2005 is due, for the most part, to the sharp rise in use of biofuels, heat pumps and wind power. The development of solar photovoltaics and of solid biomass for heating has also contributed, even if use of the latter is more sensitive to weather conditions. However, the overall pace of development of renewables will have to increase if the goal of a share of 23% in gross final energy consumption by 2020 is to be reached.
The share of energy from renewable sources in France's gross final energy consumption was provisionally estimated at 15.7% in 2016, showing a steady increase over ten years. This strong growth in renewable energy since 2005 is due, for the most part, to the sharp rise in use of biofuels, heat pumps and wind power. The development of solar photovoltaics and of solid biomass for heating has also contributed, even if use of the latter is more sensitive to weather conditions. However, the overall pace of development of renewables will have to increase if the goal of a share of 23% in gross final energy consumption by 2020 is to be reached.