En 2017, les émissions de CO2 liées à l’énergie s’élèvent à 4,6 tonnes par habitant en France, contre 6,3 en moyenne dans les grands pays voisins. Cet écart s’explique par un bouquet énergétique moins carboné en France dans les secteurs productif et résidentiel. En matière de transports, les émissions françaises sont proches de la moyenne.
The French emit less CO2 than their European neighbors
In 2017, energy-related CO2 emissions amountede to 4.6 tons per inhabitant in France, compared with an average of 6.3 in France’s major neighboring countries. This difference can be explained by the fact that the the energy mix in France contains less carbon in the production and residential sectors. Regarding transport, the French emissions are close to average.
In 2017, energy-related CO2 emissions amountede to 4.6 tons per inhabitant in France, compared with an average of 6.3 in France’s major neighboring countries. This difference can be explained by the fact that the the energy mix in France contains less carbon in the production and residential sectors. Regarding transport, the French emissions are close to average.
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