Depuis la création d’un ministère chargé de cette question au début des années 1970, la protection de l’environnement s’est progressivement imposée dans l’espace public. Partant de ce constat, plusieurs questions se posent : dans quelle mesure la société française a-t-elle changé son rapport à l’environnement ? Comment cela s’est-il traduit concrètement ? La préoccupation des Français à l’égard de l’environnement influe-t-elle sur leurs actes quotidiens ?
Parallèlement à la mise en œuvre de politiques publiques et de réglementations encadrant les activités polluantes, les ménages s’impliquent-ils à leur échelle pour limiter leur impact sur l’environnement ? Quelle place pour la sobriété des usages dans une société de consommation ? Les citoyens disposent-ils tous des mêmes capacités à agir pour protéger l’environnement ?
Parallèlement à la mise en œuvre de politiques publiques et de réglementations encadrant les activités polluantes, les ménages s’impliquent-ils à leur échelle pour limiter leur impact sur l’environnement ? Quelle place pour la sobriété des usages dans une société de consommation ? Les citoyens disposent-ils tous des mêmes capacités à agir pour protéger l’environnement ?
French lifestyles and environmental practices
How French society has changed its relationship with the environment over the last two decades? How does this work out in practice? Does the concern of French people for the environment affect their daily behaviour? In parallel with the implementation of public policies and regulations governing polluting activities, do households act at their own level to limit their impact on the environment? What is the role of low carbon habits in a consumer society? Do citizens all have the same ability to act to protect the environment? The contributors of this publication come from a diverse range of backgrounds and are working to answer these different questions by focusing on such matters as generation effects, historical change, eating habits or household electrical equipment. This collective publication brings together statistical studies and scientific research, quantitative methods and qualitative approaches, integrated analyses and case studies, to outline the complexity of the daily relationship between the French and environmental matters.
How French society has changed its relationship with the environment over the last two decades? How does this work out in practice? Does the concern of French people for the environment affect their daily behaviour? In parallel with the implementation of public policies and regulations governing polluting activities, do households act at their own level to limit their impact on the environment? What is the role of low carbon habits in a consumer society? Do citizens all have the same ability to act to protect the environment? The contributors of this publication come from a diverse range of backgrounds and are working to answer these different questions by focusing on such matters as generation effects, historical change, eating habits or household electrical equipment. This collective publication brings together statistical studies and scientific research, quantitative methods and qualitative approaches, integrated analyses and case studies, to outline the complexity of the daily relationship between the French and environmental matters.